Bran muffins, for many people, evokes a thought of dry, flavorless health food that is very uncleverly disguised as a muffin. But if you use the right recipe they can be sweet, moist and super tasty.
Everyone has foods that they remember from their childhood. The ones that evoke the strongest memories always seem to be the foods that we haven't had for a while and suddenly come back into our lives. Today for me this was bran muffins.
Bran muffins, for me, evoke a memory of waking up in the morning to a sweet smell of baked good wafting from the kitchen. Then sitting around the table with eggs-in-a-basket or scrambled eggs and bran muffins with butter and jam.
I am staying with my mother for a little bit and was going thru the pantry for the pancake mix when I came across the All-Bran cereal. Immediately I went for my moms old recipe box and found the bran muffin recipe. It is simply the recipe that was taken off the box with a few minor changes but it is so tasty not many changes are needed.
Once they are cooked simply cut them and half and spread on butter and jam (I prefer blackberry) or honey. They are a great source of guilt free energy and when they are fresh out of the oven the perfect thing for a Saturday morning.
1 1/2 cup All-Bran cereal
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbs baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 cup skim milk
2 egg whites (or one whole one)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine the dry ingredients in a small bowl. In a large bowl or mixer blend milk, eggs and oil. Add the dry ingredient mix a little at a time. Spoon into muffin tray and name for 20 min or until golden.
mmm sounds delish aliel!! i just might make some tomorrow morning :)